How to use Expanse Bridge?

3 min readFeb 28, 2021


On feb 2021 Expanse team launched Expanse Bridge Tool. In this tutorial we gonna learn how to use it. We will try to send Exp to Ubiq chain.

Last year became multichain platform year, you can remember rise of LINK from 2$ -> 24$, Polkadot (DOT) launch with even more significant gain in value + a bunch of other less popular projects the main purpose of which is to combine all different chains into one huge network, where you can swap ETH to EXP or EXP to Matic without using centralized exchanges.

Okay, now lets try to make some cross-chain transactions on Expanse.

First of all, you should have some Wrapped Expanse (WEXP), you will ask why? Because we need to interact with the token, not the native coin of the chain. But it’s fine, because Wrapped Expanse always will be equal 1:1 Expanse.

  1. Go to EggSwap, connect your wallet, select from Exp to Wexp and click Wrap

Confirm transaction in Metamask and wait some confirmations.

2. After we got some wexp, go to ExpanseBridge and connect Metamask wallet (with Expanse selected network). Select destination network, put amount of wExp you wanna send and the most important part — type destination address, be sure, that you have access to that wallet.

Click “Start Transfer”, read pre-flight and click “Strat Transfer” one more time

3. The real magic begins on this step. Confirm Approving transaction and confirm fee transaction. After your second tx, you should wait until Bridge do crosschain transaction.

It will take some time (around 5–10 mins), but be patient, don’t try to reload or leave bridge page. A lot of depends on network destination load and block times.

And after all your patiently waiting you should see something like this:

Good job, now let’s interact with this EXP on another chain ;)

4. Now you can check your wrapped Expanse on Ubiq. Open mew or metamask with ubq selected network, login with destination address and add custom token with this data:

Contract address — 0x068adbc25efa195f13e70812904761100046059c

Symbol — uWEXP

Decimals — 18

Now you can see your uWexp on Ubiq chain and do some swaps of farming.

And that’s it. Welcome to multichain crypto world.

PS: In same way works exp->eth or exp->matic bridge




Working on some blockchain projects, love cryptoanarhysm ideas.